
Infinite squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Fill a back pack with as many books as you want to use as weight. 2. Flex your abdominal muscles to keep your spine neutral and place your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing out.   3. Slowly lower your body by hinging at your hips while keeping your

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Wall squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand about 2 feet away from the wall behind you. 2. Lean back on the wall and flex your knees to go down with control until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground.   3. Pause for a moment and extend your knees back to the starting position. Doable

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Box Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Fill a back pack with as many books as you want to use as weight. 2. Flex your abdominal muscles to keep your spine neutral and place your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing out.   3. Slowly lower your body by hinging at your hips while keeping your

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Single leg squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Lift one leg off the ground and hold it (If you have any trouble maintaining balance, stand under a doorframe and use your hands). 2. Now without hunching your back go down as much as you can.   3. Once you couldn’t go any lower, pause for a moment and extend

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Jump Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing out. 2. Cross your arms and place your hands on the opposite shoulders.   3. Slowly lower your body by hinging at your hips while keeping your chest up and stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground.

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