
kneeling calf raise

Instructions Information Related exercises Anchor your feet under something stable and heavy. 2. Slightly lean forward and try to prevent yourself from going down by flexing your calves and pushing your toes to the anchor.   3. Pause for a moment and slowly return to the starting position. Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working muscle/muscles: See […]

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Hip Thrusts

Instructions Information Related exercises Position your upper back on a flat bench and squeeze your shoulder blades together. 2. Place your feet on the ground in a way that your heels are directly under your knees.   3. Ask someone to put the weight (back pack or something heavy) on your hips (This is the

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Bodyweight Leg Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Anchor your feet under something stable and heavy. Put a wrapped towel under your knees (Make sure to create a straight line from your torso to your knees). 2. Slowly begin to lower your body by extending your knees until you can’t control your bodyweight.   3. Once you reach this

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Lying Leg Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie face down on a flat bench in a way that your legs are in the air from the knees down. 2. Bend your knees until 90 degrees and ask someone to put a back pack on your feet. (This is the starting position).   3. Slowly extend your legs until

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