
Leg Extensions

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit upright on a chair and put a back pack on your feet to use as weights (Keep your knees flexed in a 90 degree angle). 2. Extend your legs until your shins are aligned with your thighs.    3. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly flex your knees […]

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Single hand Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Grab a heavy backpack with one hand and lean to the side while holding yourself with your other hand. 2. Raise your shoulder towards your ear. Hold the contraction in your trap for a moment and slowly lower your shoulder back to the starting position.   3. Once finished, repeat the

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Broomstick Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a broomstick with an overhand grip and your hands shoulder-width apart. 2. Slightly lean forward while keeping your chest up and your shoulders back.   3. Raise your shoulders towards your ears. Hold the contraction in your traps for a moment and

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Lying fist raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Get in a pushup position and do half a rep on your fists. 2. Once your chest has touched the ground, take your fists of the ground.   3. Hold this position as long as you can.   P.S: You can also do this exercise repetitively; just raise your fists for

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