
Barbell cheat curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand Straight with your hands and feet Shoulder-width apart and hold the barbell with a supinated (Underhand) grip. P.S: P.S: For this exercise, the barbell should be loaded with more weight than you usually lift.   2. Stick your chest out, Unshrug your shoulders and contract your lats and abs.  

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21 Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand Straight with your hands and feet Shoulder-width apart and hold the barbell with a supinated (Underhand) grip. 2. Stick your chest out, Unshrug your shoulders and contract your lats and abs.   3. Perform 7 reps in the bottom half. Meaning curl the bar up until your elbows are bent

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Bicep Chin Ups

Instructions Information Related exercises Hang from a pullup bar with a supinated (Underhand) Grip, unshrug your shoulders and flex your abs. 2. Pull yourself up and squeeze your biceps. Try to minimize the engagement of lats (Instead of bringing your chest to the bar, imagine you’re curling the pullup bar towards yourself).    3. Hold

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