
Lying kickbacks

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on an elevated surface (which is higher than the length of your thighs) in a way that your legs are completely in the air. 2. Hold on to the bench with both hands to maintain balance. This is the starting position.   3. Bend your knees until your thighs are

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Good mornings

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright and place a broomstick behind the neck on your traps. 2. Grab the stick with both arms and slowly bend forward while keeping your knees slightly bent.   3. Go down until you can feel the stretch in your lower back and hamstring.    4. Hold this position for

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Hyper extensions

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on an elevated surface and ask someone to hold your ankles (or anchor your feet to a luggage like me). 2. Slowly bend your spine until you can feel the stretch in your lower back muscles.   3. Once you felt you cant go any lower, come back up and

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Hand step pullovers

Instructions Information Related exercises Get in a Kneeling pushup Position and maintain a straight posture.  2. Increase the distance between your hands and knees while flexing your abdominal muscles.    3. As soon as you felt you can’t take your hands any further. Exhale and return to the starting position. Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working

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Lying upper back squeeze

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on your stomach and extend your arms over your head. 2. Now, without your hands touching the ground, bend your elbows and bring your arms to your side.   3. Pause for a moment and slowly return to the starting position. Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working muscle/muscles: See more

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Australian pull ups

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie underneath a dining table and hang from it. 2. Unshrug your shoulders, flex your abs and pull yourself up by flexing your elbows (Try to minimize the engagement of biceps by focusing on pulling your chest to the bottom of the table).   3. Hold the position at the top

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Towel rows

Instructions Information Related exercises Grab a towel or a piece of cloth with your hands and hold it with your feet from the other end to create resistance. 2. Flex your elbows to pull the towel towards yourself.   3. Squeeze your back muscles, pause for a moment and extend your knees back to the

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