
EZ Bar Spider Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, grab an EZ Barbell with your hands Shoulder-width apart, stick your chest out and unshrug your shoulders. 2. Curl the bar Up towards your shoulders and squeeze your biceps. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly return to the starting position. Doable

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Barbell Spider Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, grab a Barbell with your hands Shoulder-width apart, stick your chest out and unshrug your shoulders. 2. Curl the barbell Up towards your shoulders and squeeze your biceps. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly return to the starting position. Doable at:

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Waiter Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand Straight and place the top of the dumbbell on your palms. 2. Curl the weight up towards your chest and squeeze your biceps. Make sure to keep your palms facing the ceiling through the entire set.    3. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly return to the starting

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