
Rear Wrist Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand straight while holding a broomstick behind you with your hands shoulder-width apart. 2. Flex your wrists to raise the bar.   3. Squeeze your forearms for a moment and slowly extend your wrists back to the starting position. Doable at: View “at gym” alternative Muscle group/groups: Working muscle/muscles: See more

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Seated wrist Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit on a bench and position your thighs parallel to the ground. 2. Hold a broomstick with your palms facing up, place the back of your forearms on your thighs and flex your wrists to raise the bar.   3. Squeeze your forearms for a moment and slowly extend your wrists

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Standing wrist Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand Straight with your hands and feet Shoulder-width apart and hold the broomstick with a supinated (Underhand) grip. 2. Stick your chest out, Unshrug your shoulders and contract your lats and abs.   3. Flex your wrists to raise the bar and squeeze your forearms.    4. Hold the contraction for

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Reverse Grip Bicep Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand Straight with your hands and feet Shoulder-width apart and hold the broomstick with a pronated (Overhand) grip. 2. Stick your chest out, Unshrug your shoulders and contract your lats and abs.   3. Curl the stick up towards your chest and squeeze your forearms.    4. Hold the contraction for

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