
Leg Extensions

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit upright on a chair and put a back pack on your feet to use as weights (Keep your knees flexed in a 90 degree angle). 2. Extend your legs until your shins are aligned with your thighs.    3. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly flex your knees […]

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Lying kickbacks

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on an elevated surface (which is higher than the length of your thighs) in a way that your legs are completely in the air. 2. Hold on to the bench with both hands to maintain balance. This is the starting position.   3. Bend your knees until your thighs are

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Pendulum Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand in the pendulum squat machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Position your shoulders under the shoulder pad and (if the pendulum squat machine in your gym has a back pad) keep your upper and lower back in contact with the back pad at all times.   3. Slowly lower

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Cable Hip Thrusts

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cable just below hip level with a rope attached to it. 2. Grab the rope and pass it between your legs. Take one step forward and stand upright. This is the starting position.   3. Slightly bend your knees and lean forward allowing your hips to go back.   

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