
Wide Grip Barbell Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a barbell with an overhand grip and your hands over shoulder-width apart after loading it with a desirable weight. 2. Slightly lean forward while keeping your chest up and your shoulders back.   3. Raise your shoulders towards your ears. Hold the […]

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Calf Raise Machine Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright in a calf raise with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Position your shoulders under the pad and grab the machine handles after loading it with a desirable weight.   3. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and raise your shoulders towards your ears.   4. Hold the contraction in

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Machine Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the machine handles after loading it with a desirable weight. 2. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and raise your shoulders towards your ears.    3. Hold the contraction in your traps for a moment and slowly lower your shoulders back to

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Smith Machine Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the smith machine barbell at hip height and load it with a desirable weight. 2. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the barbell with an overhand grip and your hands shoulder-width apart.   3. Slightly lean forward while keeping your chest up and your shoulders back.  

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Barbell Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a barbell with an overhand grip and your hands shoulder-width apart after loading it with a desirable weight. 2. Slightly lean forward while keeping your chest up and your shoulders back.   3. Raise your shoulders towards your ears. Hold the contraction

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