
Dumbbell Front Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing out. 2. Grab a pair of dumbbells, lift them up and rest them on top of your shoulders.   3. Slowly lower your body by hinging at your hips while keeping your chest up and stop when your thighs […]

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Hack Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand in the hack squat machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Position your shoulders under the shoulder pad and keep your upper and lowerback in contact with the back pad at all times.   3. Slowly lower your body by bending your knees and stop after your thighs are parallel

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Leg Press Calf Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises NOTE: Before you perform this exercise, you need to know that this exercise can not be performed with every leg press machine. Most machines have a separate platform for calf raises, but if the machine in your gym does not have one, ask an expert if it can be done on

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Instructions Information Related exercises Place some pads under a flat bench until the height of the bench is more than the length of your thighs. 2. Lie face down on the bench in a way that your legs are completely in the air (Grab the bench with both hands to maintain balance). This is the

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Lying Leg Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie down on the leg curl machine, position your ankles under the pad and grab the handles for additional support (right now your legs should be completely extended and your thighs, abs and chest should be in contact with the pad). 2. Flex your knees until at least 90 degrees. Hold

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Air Squats

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing out. 2. Cross your arms and place your hands on the opposite shoulders.   3. Slowly lower your body by hinging at your hips while keeping your chest up and stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground.

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Alternating lunges

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with a narrow stance while holding a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing in. 2. Slowly raise one leg off the ground and take one step forward. After your heel touched the ground, lower your upper body by bending your knees and stop just before your knee touches

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