
Reverse Pec Deck

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit in the reverse fly machine (Chest fly machine) and adjust the handles so you can grab them with your arms fully extended in front of you. 2. Push your chest against the support pad, flex your read delts and push the handles apart in a circular motion until your arms

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Face Pulls

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cable as high as your height with a rope attachment. Stand upright with a staggered stance and grab the rope with an overhand grip. 2. Take a step back so you can feel tension in the cable with your arms extended.   3. Flex your elbows to pull the

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4321 Lateral Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright and grab a pair of dumbbells with your arms extended at your sides (Palms facing in). 2. Flex your shoulders and raise your arms laterally until you reach shoulder height, hold this position and do the following steps in order: 4 Reps with only the left arm 4 Reps

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