
Machine Crunches

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit Upright on the Ab Crunch machine and fix the Handles and the pads on your Shoulders.   2. Flex your Abdominal muscles and pull the handles down.    3. Exhale and Return to the starting position with control.  Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working muscle/muscles: See more

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Pushup to rollouts (Beginner)

Instructions Information Related exercises Get in a Kneeling pushup Position and maintain a straight posture. 2. Increase the distance between your hands and knees while flexing your abdominal muscles.   3. As soon as you felt you can’t take your hands any further, Exhale and return to the starting position. Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working

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Sideways leg raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Get on the ground and lie on your side. This is the starting position. 2. Raise your top leg as high as you can without flexing your knees or engaging your obliques. You should completely feel the contraction in your outer thigh.   3. After that, lower your leg back to

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Isometric Side bend

Instructions Information Related exercises Grab a heavy Dumbbell with one hand and Try to Prevent your Spine from bending by flexing your obliques.  2. Keep this position until fatique and once finished, Repeat the steps for the other side. Doable at: Muscle group/groups: Working muscle/muscles: See more

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Machine Hip Abduction

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit upright in a thigh ab/adductor machine and press your back to the back pad. 2. Bend your knees until 90 degrees and against the outer pads and place your feet on the foot pedals in a narrow position. This is the starting position.   3. Flex your abdominal muscles to

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Seated Calf Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit upright in a seated calf raise machine (Or place some weights on your leg if you don’t have access to the machine), position the pads on your thighs and your forefoot on top of the platform. 2. Slowly flex your ankles to lower your heels (This is the bottom of

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Standing Calf Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright in a calf raise machine, position the pads on your shoulder and your forefeet on top of the platform.  2. Slowly flex your ankles to lower your heels (This is the bottom of the rep).    3. Once your heels touched the ground (Or you felt you can’t flex

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Cable Leg Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cable as low as possible with an ankle strap attached to it. Place your ankle inside the strap, and stand straight in front of it. 2. Hold onto something to maintain balance (you can also use the pullup bar in the middle of the machine) and raise your leg

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Cable Hip Abduction

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cable as low as possible with an ankle strap attached to it.  2. Place your ankle inside the strap, take one step to the side and place your hand on the machine to maintain balance. This is the starting position.   3. Raise your leg sideways by flexing your

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