
Leg Extensions

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit upright in the leg extension machine and position your legs under the pad.  2. Grab the side handles for additional support. Right now your knees should be flexed to 90 degrees and your lower back and shoulders should be in contact with the back pad.   3. Extend your legs […]

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Dumbbell Shrugs

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing in. 2. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and raise your shoulders towards your ears.    3. Hold the contraction in your traps for a moment and slowly lower your shoulders back to the

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Dumbbell Reverse Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright and grab a pair of dumbbells with your arms extended at your sides (Palms facing in). 2. Slightly bend your knees and hinge at your hips until your back is at a 45 degree angle (If you can go lower, no problem but 45 degree in the minimum).  

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Two Handed Lateral Raises

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand upright and grab a pair of dumbbells with your arms extended at your sides (Palms facing in). 2. Flex your shoulders and raise your arms laterally until you reach shoulder height.    3. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. Doable

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Reverse wrist Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand behind a wrist curl machine and place your forearm on the pad. 2. After picking a desirable weight grab the handle with your palms facing down and extend your wrists to raise the bar.   3. Squeeze your forearms for a moment and slowly flex your wrists back to the

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Wrist Curls

Instructions Information Related exercises Stand behind a wrist curl machine and place the back of your forearm on the pad. 2. After picking a desirable weight grab the handle with your palms facing up and flex your wrists to raise the bar.   3. Squeeze your forearms for a moment and slowly extend your wrists

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Two Handed Machine Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Sit in the chest fly machine and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Push your heels to the ground and lean back to the pad. 2. Grab the handles with your palms facing forward and slightly bend your elbows. This is the starting position.   3. Create a wide arc and flex

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