
Decline Pushups

Instructions Information Related exercises Place your hands on the ground just outside shoulder-width apart with your elbows fully extended and place your feet on an elevated surface. 2. Flex your abdominal muscles to create a straight line from your torso to your heels.   3. Slowly lower your body by bending the elbows while keeping […]

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Incline Pushups

Instructions Information Related exercises Place your hands on an elevated surface just outside shoulder-width apart with your elbows fully extended. 2. Lift your lower body off the ground and flex your abdominal muscles to create a straight line from your torso to your heels.   3. Slowly lower your body by bending the elbows while

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Dumbbell Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Lie on a flat bench while squeezing your shoulder blades together.  2. Hold a pair of dumbbells over your shoulders with your palms facing each other and your elbows slightly bent.   3. Lower the dumbbells laterally in a wide arc to your sides without changing the angle of your elbows.

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Lying Cable Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cables as low as possible and lie on a flat bench in the center of the machine. 2. Grab both handles with your arms extended (in line with the cables) with a slight bent in the elbows(palms facing up). This is the starting position.   3. Squeeze your shoulder

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Seated Cable Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cables at hip height and sit on a bench in the center of the machine.  2. Grab both handles with your arms extended laterally at shoulder height (in line with the cables) with a slight bent in the elbows( palms facing forward). This is the starting position.   3.

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Standing Cable Flys

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cables at shoulder height and stand in the center of the machine with a staggered stance. 2. Grab both handles with your arms extended laterally at shoulder height (in line with the cables) with a slight bent in the elbows (palms facing forward). This is the starting position.  

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Decline TI crossovers

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the cables as high as possible and stand in the center of the machine with a narrow stance. 2. Grab both handles with your arms laterally extended at shoulder height with a slight bent in the elbows (palms facing down). This is the starting position.   3. Flex your abdominal

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