
Australian Pullups

Instructions Information Related exercises Set the smith machine bar in the middle, hang from it with a supinated (Underhand) Grip and unshrug your shoulder and flex your abs. 2. Pull yourself up and flex your elbows. Try to minimize the engagement of biceps by focusing on pulling your chest to the bar.    3. Hold

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Chin ups

Instructions Information Related exercises Hang from the pullup bar with your hands shoulder width apart and palms facing your body (Underhand Grip) 2. Flex your abdominal muscles and unshrug your shoulders.   3. Pull yourself up by flexing your elbows down and back.   4. Once you have reached your chest to the bar, slowly

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Neutral grip Pullups

Instructions Information Related exercises Hang from the pullup bar with your palms facing each other (Neutral Grip). 2. Flex your abdominal muscles and unshrug your shoulders.   3. Pull yourself up by flexing your elbows down and back.   4. Once you can’t go any higher, slowly extend your elbows back to the starting position.

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